Wednesday, November 4, 2009


What satisfies me?
  • Celebrating special occasions and holidays with family
  • Reading a good novel: one that pulls me into the setting and lives of its characters, one that leaves me thinking about that place and those people for days afterward
  • Viewing the night sky through my telescope
  • Smelling spring in the April air after March's cold and blustery rain
  • Lingering over lunch with good friends
  • Presenting someone I love with the perfect gift
  • Enjoying dinner and a movie with my dear husband
  • Playing with my granddaughters
  • Finding bargains when I shop
  • Sorting clutter and getting organized
  • Spending Sunday morning worshipping God through music and study

This week in Bible Study Fellowship we covered John 4, where in Verse 34, Jesus tells His disciples, "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me and from finishing His work." (the Living Bible)

This question was presented: What should a Christian who does not have "heart" satisfaction do to find the same meaning in life? At first, I listed

  • Spend time alone with God
  • Meditate on His Word
  • Surrender to the Holy Spirit
  • Pray for the Him to infill and guide
  • Confess sin immediately
  • Share Jesus with others

Then I stopped to re-read a referenced verse in Acts 20:24, where Paul says, ". . . neither do I count my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God." (King James)

To allow God to order my time in service to Him, to rest and abide in the confidence that He can take care of my life's details while placing me just where He needs me at any given moment, to place His kingdom work at the top of my to-do list, to pray for the grace to share Jesus with any needy soul, to let go and let God -- herein lies true "heart" satisfaction.